In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
Every Journey has a beginning and perhaps it is best we start by describing the purpose of this blog and how it began.
I as a Muslim living in the West, living in a world of conflicts. Conflict between civilizations. Conflict between the Fitrah and Shaytan. Conflict between Justice and Injustice, between Truth and Falsehood. And we are all on life's Journey trying desperately to be on the side of the righteous. As a Muslim we know that Allah has given us guidance from the Quran and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (salalahau Allahee wasalaam) yet the interpretation of this source has yet again let us into conflicts amongst ourselves. Who is right? Who is wrong? Where do we stand?
We feel helpless we turn to Allah to strengthen our Iman to turn away this feeling of helplessness and we have hope that Allah will grant us knowledge that will strengthen our Iman so we can prove to ourselves that our position is correct and reveal to us knowledge to correct our understanding.
We know that Truth always prevails over Falsehood and Allah answers the prayers of his servant.
This blog is a series of notes on my journey ,my thoughts and my prayers for guidance and insha-allah the answers I find in the knowledge of our great Islamic heritage the Knowledge and Wisdom of Great Scholars of the past and the present. It is their Knowledge, their understanding that I wish to share with you all.
Hopefully after reading it will help strengthen our Iman and understanding of Allahs Deen. I pray to Allah for Unity of the Ummah
Lastly My intention is not that I want you to agree with me in fact. I wish for all those who read this to post comments and please correct me if my understanding is wrong and why (providing evidences not just their own understanding please)
It started naturally when I found myself in the middle of a matter of interpretation. The issue itself is very trivial but has lead to me thinking in a much broader context. The issue is the celebration of Birthdays. and I will cover my thoughts and my journey on issue in my next entry insha-Allah.
How do you feel about blogging about fiqh and on a broader perspective, about layman people talking about subjects where they don't have enough knowledge to properly understand or come to conclusions from the readings they acquire. Do you think your blog will make people think and investigating on their own or do you think that they will just accept your conclusions and if so, then do you think this blog is worthwhile?
As I said this is a journey to find "my" Fiqh it is indeed very personal journey. I do not find anything wrong with people writing their "fiqh" or sharing their knowledge with others however no one has the right to impose their "Fiqh". The intention here is as I gain knowledge of the "Fiqh" of scholars I share their understanding which insha-allah will become mine. You have to bare in mind "Fiqh" is not Sacred. However all books of "Fiqh" refer to "Sharia". People get confused between the two terms and I think you are confused by asking such a question.
Please read the following blog which defines what "Fiqh" actually means.
Note I intentionally have not defined what the term "Fiqh" means because several other scholars have done this far better then I could ever do
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